Thursday, April 7, 2016

Jigsaw Method

      Today in class we finished learning the Jigsaw method. If you do not know the Jigsaw method, it is a very effective way to do lessons and it involves a lot of cooperative learning with students. When doing this method you are splitting up into groups and giving them a topic. These first groups you would call home groups. Each person in your home group would have a different topic. The students would then separate into other groups again. The second groups would do the topic you were assigned in you home groups. When you have completed the assignment the students go back to your home groups and teach the topic to your home groups. Each person would present what they have worked on in the second group to their home groups members.

      For our class we did a jigsaw method on the topic of climate change and in our home groups we chose different topics related to climate change. I loved this activity, it was very interactive and was interesting. I would definitely do this again and due it in my classroom. It a fun and creative way to teacher students. It is especially good for the students that do not like to sit still and listen to teachers teach or do not like having the same groups members all the time. I chose Marine Life due to my interest in the oceans and the marine animals that live there. Other topics included:

Oceans and coasts


Weather and Atmosphere 

Marine Life 

Fresh Waters

Here is the link to our powerpoint on Marine Life and below is a video on the jigsaw method for further explanation!

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