Friday, April 29, 2016

Tradebooks in a classroom!

      This week we looked at tradebooks and their importance within a classroom setting. We were told to pick a tradebook to use for our unit plan. We were giving a template to create out book talks and a couple of digital tools to help us create the trailer for the book. For my book I used Animals and their Habitats: Ocean.
      This kind of book would be used as a reference book for information and facts about the ocean and their marine life. Each page had a different marine animal and gave facts about where they lived, what they ate, pictures of what they looked like, and diagrams on the parts of marine animal. toward the end of the book, which I thought was extremely helpful for students who were just learning, it gave a glossary on some of the challenging words that were mentioned. I thought this was a perfect book for teachers to use and students to look through. Especially if the teacher is doing a project on the different marine life.
     When looking through this book I was able to come up with an activity that students could do based off this book. Due to the different marine life the book goes though, students can pick their favorite and do a poster on the different information found on that specific animal. If the student has more then one favorite then they could do both and look at the similarities and differences on those animals.

     For our project, as I mentioned before, we did a book talk! This link is to my book talk if you would like to read more about the book and what more is in it!

      I made my book trailer with Animoto. I would definitely use this tool again and recommend it to other teachers. It is a great tool to use for making videos and using it as a different method to teach. It is very quick and easy to use as well. If you haven't used the tool before it is not hard to figure out and use. This is also a link to my trailer for the book that shows pictures of what the book looks like inside and the layout of what they discuss!


  1. I enjoyed using Animoto, it was an easy yet helpful source!
    Your trailer was informative.
    We also used the same series of books for both of our TB Trailers project. I think this will help students with their research paper and what not :)

  2. I agree that trade books easily can be used within a classroom. They are beneficial for research and for reference use. I would definitely use them in a non-fiction unit and pair it with a research paper. You could utilize the trade books to teach non-fiction text features (diagrams, headings, photographs etc) which are all part of trade books.
