Saturday, February 6, 2016

Dr. Smith

     The second activity that we did on the first day was draw our idea of a scientist looks like. There are some stereotypes in which we associat scientist with. Some stereotypes include:

  • male 
  • messy hair 
  • They wear glasses
  • messy work place
My picture does not fully represent the stereotypes. Partically because I am not a very good drawer. I tried the best I could to draw what I thought was a scientist. I does not really show any stereotypes but if I could draw, mine would have crazy hair and classes. Now, after thinking about it I would have done more to my picture if I had the time.
    When we finished with our pictures we did a gallery walk, which I thought was a great way to see what everyone else thought a scientist was. Most people came up with the same stereotypes and all the drawings looked similar. A lot of the drawings looked definitely better then mine. Doing this gallery walk was also a great way for people to open up to their classmates and share their thinking. I believe this activity to be very interesting to do for any subject and I will definitely be doing this activity in the future when I start my teaching.

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