Saturday, February 6, 2016

Back to School

   It's that time of year again! New semester, new classes, new schedule, and more learning! I can already tell that this semester is going to be packed with work and new experiences. I am excited to see what this semester brings for us all! The first class is always the most interesting. You meet your teachers, see all old friends and meet new ones. I can't wait to learn more interesting and new ways to teach children.
      The first day of class we did an activity called Mystery bags. At first our teacher held up the bag and asked us to guess what was in the bag. The whole class made a list of things that could possibly be in the bag. After, we passed it around the classroom and each made an educated guess on what it could be again based on touch and sound when examining the bag. However, we only had five seconds each person to examine it. We then worked together to come up with ways to test the bag to see if what was in the bag is what we thought it was. Lastly, we concluded that we should open the bag after doing all different tests and seeing if our hypothesis was correct. When learning the contents of what was inside the bag we found our guesses to be close to what was in the bag not fully correct.
       I found this activity to be very hands-on and interesting to start the first day of classes with. It had me excited for whats to come in the next few months. I cannot wait to do more of these interesting and fun activities with my class!

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